Bureau of Land Management Paleoindian Collection
Object ID:
(FS#1) Identifdied as "Bifacial knife". This artifact is made on a long, slender flake. One side
is almost unworked with minor re–touch flaking along edges and base. The other side
demonstrates what appears to be distinctive Paleoindian flaking. :Paralled, bilateral,
oblique. This gives the artifact a triangular cross section. The artifact is side–notched
w/ a very convex base. Made of a white translucent chert. Distal 1/4 missing. Made
white translucent chert. 4.5cm. long, 1.8cm. wide, 0.537cm. thick. Reworked?–P.B.
(FS# 2) Four small brownware sherds.
(FS#3) Cottonwood Triangular P.P. Oolithic brown chert. 2.38cm. long, 1.62cm. wide,
0.41cm. thick
Grand River Institute.
Collection Date:
Inventoried by P. Born, 7–19–07 & 1–3––12.
Second entry into data base.
Documents included.
VE Exhibit Label 1:
Identified as a bifacial knife, this artifact is made of a long, slender flake of translucent chert. One side is almost unworked but has minor re–toughing while the other side has distinctive Paleo flaking indicating that it may have been re–worked.
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1. Paleo Bifacial Knife?1. Paleo Bifacial Knife?
1. Paleo Bifacial Knife?1. Paleo Bifacial Knife?
1. Paleo Bifacial Knife?1. Paleo Bifacial Knife?
1. Paleo Bifacial Knife?1. Paleo Bifacial Knife?
3. Cottonwood Triangular P.P.3. Cottonwood Triangular P.P.
3. Cottonwood Triangular P.P.3. Cottonwood Triangular P.P.
3. Cottonwood Triangular P.P.3. Cottonwood Triangular P.P.
3. Cottonwood Triangular P.P.3. Cottonwood Triangular P.P.