Bureau of Land Management Formative Collection
Object ID:
(1) Rose Spring P.P. , pumpkin chert.
(2) Melted blue glass frag.
Nickens & Associates
First recorded at MWC, 07/29/92 by JH
Inventoried by P. Born, 12–1–06 & 6–16–09.
Second entry into data base, 6–17–09.
Limited documents.

First recorded at MWC 6/29/92 by CAW

Catalog Date:
VE Exhibit Label 1:
A Rose Spring projectile point made of pumpkin chert. This type of projectile point is catagorized by its narrow, corner notch apearance. The blade is commonaly thin and the sholders are barbed or horizontal.
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1.Rose Spring P.P.1.Rose Spring P.P.
1. Rose Spring P.P.1. Rose Spring P.P.
1. Rose Spring P.P.1. Rose Spring P.P.
1. Rose Spring P.P.1. Rose Spring P.P.